Hello again from ‘The Bridge’ team!
This is our second week working on site and things are going slow but steady. We have finished the background silhouettes for almost half the Bridge (it’s 870 feet long!), and once the background is finished we will be stencilling our words for ‘echoes’. We have 10 themes that will run along the bridge: Welcoming Diversity, Celebrating Culture, Community members and places, Nature and Environment, Fantasy and Dreamland, Family and Home, Playing Games and Toys, Activities,School and Education, and Inspiration/Success.

We have had some very hot days and a few rainy ones we have persevered through, but today we are working inside because of the rain. The nearby community has been very welcoming and interested in our work. Many people honk as they pass by, and those walking by usually give some encouraging words or to ask about what we are doing. Someone even interviewed us for their ‘Toronto City Walks’ blog (www.neighbourhoodwalks.wordpress.com), which we will appear in soon. If you are in the area, come by and say hi, I guarantee we will enjoy the chance for a break to chat!
Hey Bridging Project, Jason Bragg from the Neighbourhood Walks Project here. I have posted West Hill now, if anyone is interested in checking it out. Keep up the great work!