Volunteering soon? Some things to bare in mind (consider th

- Bring a hat (umbrellas are provided)
- Bring shades
- Wear sunscreen
- Bring snacks and a lunch
- Stay hydrated, drink plenty of water
- Dress lightly in clothes you don't mind getting dirty
On June 5th a local group of volunteers, mainly from the East Scarborough Storefront, helped plant 800 native wildflowers and grasses along Highland Creek on the North side of the Lawrence Street bridge. These plants will help protect the area from erosion, attract beneficial pollinators such as butterflies, provide habitat for a variety of species and beautify the local area.
Evergreen has also contributed a list of local, native trees, wildflowers and shrubs to be incorporated in the mural. During the SUBTEXT festival, on September 11th from
For more information please visit our website: evergreen.ca, or contact:
Sarah Da Silva, Stewardship Co-ordinator, sdasilva@evergreen.ca or 416-660-0972
Currently the Scarborough Arts Council is accepting registration for Free Dance Workshops until August 10th. However space is limited so you'll want to sign up ASAP.
Hey my name's Liz and I will be your guide for everything going on under the bridge - that is The Subtext Festival - Bridging Project. The Subtext Festival seems to be a lot of things but to boil it down into one sentence it is a two day multi-arts (including dance, music, graffiti, murals, art demonstrations, planting etc) festival. It's a collaboration between diverse communities, organizations and artists, aimed at revamping the Kingston-Galloway/Orton Park bridge's reputation.
Look out for new posts on the upcoming events.