Friday, December 17, 2010
'Tis the season for giving - not painting
We thank everyone who participated; as painters, planners, funders, supporters and passers-by. The comments and encouragement of the people who live in the area, were much appreciated. We hope you enjoy the legacy of the art work on and under the bridge and the batik banners on the hydro poles. (Those will have to come down in the new year.)
We really hope to find the funds to continue in 2011. Here is a link to a short prologue video. A final video will be online soon.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Mural Dedication
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Getting the word out

Thursday, August 19, 2010
Step by Step
On Tuesday, August 17th the Free Subtext Dance Workshops began! Dance Instructor Kevin Ormsby and his lovely assistant Darsel led the class of youth ages 13-21 from basic stretches to classic ballet stances to contemporary freestyle. It was an enjoyable afternoon and right off the bat we discovered that there were several backgrounds of dance in one room from a cheerleader to a European dance crew member. But the only thing that really counted was their love of dance and openness to whatever crazy thing Kevin would through at them next. Watch out for their group performance at the Subtext Festival!
But while you're here you might as well check out the photos I took ;)!
For more info about the workshops and their amazing instructors check out this website
Working Hard or...
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Graffiti Art Workshops under the KGO Bridge
For more information about the workshops or attending, contact Cindy at 416-698-7322 /
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Batik art
At the Subtext Festival they will have artists making batik art and will also be inviting people to learn the art form on-site. It will be a mini-workshop/exhibition.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Laying Down Strokes

Volunteering soon? Some things to bare in mind (consider th

- Bring a hat (umbrellas are provided)
- Bring shades
- Wear sunscreen
- Bring snacks and a lunch
- Stay hydrated, drink plenty of water
- Dress lightly in clothes you don't mind getting dirty
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Getting Green
On June 5th a local group of volunteers, mainly from the East Scarborough Storefront, helped plant 800 native wildflowers and grasses along Highland Creek on the North side of the Lawrence Street bridge. These plants will help protect the area from erosion, attract beneficial pollinators such as butterflies, provide habitat for a variety of species and beautify the local area.
Evergreen has also contributed a list of local, native trees, wildflowers and shrubs to be incorporated in the mural. During the SUBTEXT festival, on September 11th from
For more information please visit our website:, or contact:
Sarah Da Silva, Stewardship Co-ordinator, or 416-660-0972
Monday, July 26, 2010
Headed in the Right Direction

The painting on the bridge begins today, Monday July the 26th. I encourage you to go check out their hard work for yourself in person. What

The project should be complete in time for the Subtext Festival but you don't have to wait 'til then to get involved. You can fill out a form and voluntarily become a regular painter. You can also grab a Bridging Project pamphlet and share your stories about the bridge. Surely as we get closer and closer to the big weekend, there will be more and more to get involved in.
To see more pictures like these and learn more about Mural Routes visit:
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
The Borough is alive, with the sound of music
The Borough Most Thorough which has been running practically since school let out has been prepping vigorously with one-week workshops that will continue until August 27th, which means there may still be opportunities to join this free, innovative programs.
Still Curious? Check out their website:
Also before I let you go, you should know that there will be special guest appearances from well known canadian artists at the Subtext Festival!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
So You Think You Can...

Currently the Scarborough Arts Council is accepting registration for Free Dance Workshops until August 10th. However space is limited so you'll want to sign up ASAP.
Benedict Lopes
416 698 7322
Where? East Scarborough Storefront (4040 Lawrence Ave E., Scarborough)
Let the Festivities Begin
Hey my name's Liz and I will be your guide for everything going on under the bridge - that is The Subtext Festival - Bridging Project. The Subtext Festival seems to be a lot of things but to boil it down into one sentence it is a two day multi-arts (including dance, music, graffiti, murals, art demonstrations, planting etc) festival. It's a collaboration between diverse communities, organizations and artists, aimed at revamping the Kingston-Galloway/Orton Park bridge's reputation.
Look out for new posts on the upcoming events.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Designing the mural
Artists at Work
Monday, June 28, 2010
Parade Day
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Creativity and design
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Community speaks out

More than 60 community members attended the Community Speak at St. Stephen Presbyterian Church. The subject of disucssion was "Improving the Lawrence Bridge ."
After a stretch break, nice dinner and presentation from the Bridge Committee this is what you shared with us at the group discussions.
- Happier about it than its predecessor
- Boring and functional
- Nice view
- Not safe enough
- No shade in summer, too cold in winter
- More buses should go across
- Ability issues are hard given narrow sidewalks
- No snow removal
- Suicide in fall makes people rush across
- Fear of area under the bridge because it is isolated and possibly dangerous at night
- Long, difficult walk
- Communication between the two sides is difficult
- People on the Galloway side are not interested in going to the Orton park side
- Feel unsafe because of speed of traffic
- Not attractive to pedestrians
- Path to under the bridge is too steep
- Convenient for driving – bad for walking
What would you like to see change on the bridge?
- Safety – traffic barrier to separate pedestrians from road
- Beauty
- Visuals
- Murals
- Festival
- Walking groups
- Security camera
- Signage
- Weather guard
- Better lighting
- Flower boxes on sidewalk
- Planters to help slow traffic and make area more accessible for pedestrians and cyclists
- Street festival with lots of colour
- Information about the path, park and activities under the bridge
- Stairs to park below
- Pay phone in middle of bridge
- Put benches and garbage bins under bridge
- Park/playground
- More community activities under bridge
Doreen Iman, Ruth Antony, Hazel Trent, Amna Anushan